Episode 8 - Seraphina Capranos


As photographers, we are often forced to endure some physical challenges. Wedding and event photographers are regularly on their feet for 8 or 10 hours a day, sometimes carrying two very heavy cameras around the whole time. Then we can get tied down to our desks, sitting for long hours editing images. All of these things and more can take their toll on our bodies, so it is important to have the best tools available to take care of ourselves. For this reason, we decided to chat with Seraphina Capranos.
Seraphina is a homeopath, herbalist, and educator at The Green Raven Centre, a multi-disciplinary clinic on Salt Spring Island, in British Columbia.
The combination and expertise of her two passions of herbal medicine and homeopathic medicine make Seraphina a gifted practitioner. She brings the balance of university education in science to the magic of what wild lands and indigenous healers have taught her to each of her classes and clients.
In this interview, we discuss ways that we can all maintain our health, with a focus on specific issues that many of us as photographers face in our day-to-day lives.

Website: seraphinacapranos.com
Instagram: @seraphina.capranos

Shawn Moreton

Photographer. Artist. Human.


Episode 9 - Jen Huang


Episode 7 - Robert Peterson