Episode 25 - Michelle Craig


If you’re like me. You’ve probably dreamed about loading up a van, and hitting the open road. The idea of van life is one that many dream about, but few actually go through with.
In this interview, I chat with Michelle Craig, who is not only living it, but working as a professional photographer, and a roamschooling parent at the same time.
We discuss the work she’s doing, and about life & parenting on the road. We dive into  some of the unique challenges, and ways she's had to adapt with the current Covid pandemic.
Michelle story is an inspiring one, and so if the van life is something you’ve dreamed of, or are curious about, then have a listen!

Website:  michellecraigphotography.com
Instagram: @michellecraigphotography || @redefiningbadass || @theroamschoolfamily

Shawn Moreton

Photographer. Artist. Human.


Episode 26 - Anna Pumer


Episode 24 - Paige Everson Interview