Episode 43 - Alex Stoddard Interview

Alex Stoddard is a conceptual portrait photographer living in Los Angeles, California. Born and raised in rural Georgia, he was inspired by his surroundings and rural isolation, & began taking self-portraits as a teenager. Photography became a means of escape, allowing him to construct elaborate scenes and step into the role of different characters through costumes and posing. 

He explores concepts of fantasy and surrealism within portraiture, as well as the human form and its connection to nature. He is entirely self-taught and relies on his eye and natural instinct when creating.

Alex has also just released his debut book titled INSEX, in which he explores the parallels between metamorphosis in the natural world and human coming-of-age. Through staged, highly stylized images, Stoddard invites viewers into a colorfully dark world of budding sexuality and crawling insects. 

Website: alexstoddard.com
Instagram: @alexbstoddard

Shawn Moreton

Photographer. Artist. Human.


Episode 44 - Joe McNally Interview


Episode 42 - Lori Grace Bailey Interview